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1. _ The Somatic Experience_ A journey of Yin & Conscious Connected Breathwork -  Momence.

Join us for an immersive workshop combining the gentle, meditative practice of yin yoga with the transformative power of conscious connected breathwork. You'll be guided through a series of long-held yin postures, allowing for deep release in the fascia, before transitioning into a breathwork journey designed to unlock emotional and energetic blockages. The Somatic Experience offers a unique opportunity to explore the mind-body connection, promoting profound relaxation, self-awareness, and inner healing. All proceeds will benefit Pearl of the Heart Bali, an organization providing physical therapy and education for children with disabilities.

00. Every Tuesday  Chakra Balancing Sound Healing Journey with Erica  - Momence.jpg

The session begins with a brief period of gentle breathwork and meditation, allowing participants to center themselves, cultivate presence, and set an intention for the journey. As the sound bath begins, participants are immersed in the soothing tones of quartz crystal singing bowls, each resonating with a specific chakra, promoting relaxation and energetic balance. Following the healing sounds of the session, there is a period of silence, allowing for reflection and integration of the vibrations. The session concludes with a brief meditation, guiding participants back into their bodies and the present moment, leaving them feeling grounded, rejuvenated, and aligned.

book here:

2, 16, & 30. Yoga Nidra.jpg

Yoga Nidra, also known as ‘yogic sleep’, is a form of ancient tantric relaxation technique. This practice will have you lying down in your position of comfort whilst receiving a guided meditation, with potential for a very blissful experience. The intention of yoga Nidra is to promote a profound state of relaxation, whilst maintaining awareness of one’s surroundings. Yoga Nidra also offers a means for attaining greater receptivity to personal resolutions. Rather than trying to process unresolved events with the mind, Yoga Nidra allows such experiences to be processed by the body at the energetic, subconscious level, leading to powerful transformations. It is known to reduce stress, anxiety and can also help with insomnia and jet lag. Suitable for all individuals.

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3, 17, 24 & 31. Yin & Breathwork Journey with Katie Nesbitt -  Momence.jpg

Join us for a Yin & Breathwork Journey, focused on releasing stagnant energy, stuck emotions, old patterns, clear pain from the past, rewire your thoughts, open your heart, and feel more connected on all levels to step forward in life feeling greater freedom and lightness. This unique workshop combines gentle movements, yogic philosophy, mindful meditation, and a strong breathing practice to create true changes in life. This Yin & Breathwork Journey will begin with gentle yoga and mindful pranayama practices to stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system, creating a safe internal environment to prepare for a profound Breathwork experience. This journey will safely connect you to the deeper layers of yourself, to release what you are ready to let go of, and receive what your soul truly desires. This transformative Breathwork class will help you connect more authentically inside and find the answers that lie within. Katie guides classes with a supportive and compassionate nature to help you access the deeper layers of personal healing and growth. With over a decade of experience teaching yoga, pranayama, mindfulness, and somatic trauma recovery techniques around the world, this class will safely bring greater transformations within - all from the power of your own breath.

book here:

5. Ecstatic Dance with Jazzy O -  Momence.jpg

With a vibrant history at renowned festivals like burning man and Bali Bloom as well as venues in Bali like Yoga Barn and Udara. I have been a passionate advocate for ecstatic dance for 6 years and my mission is to “Awaken the magic within through high vibrational beats”. Ecstatic dance is a natural way to connect to your consciousness & your body that extends beyond words. Dance in an expression of what get stuck in the body that needs to be moved and released. The free flow allows you to connect your higher sense of being, coming down from the mind and into the body. Opening to your inner wisdom and letting the music guide your journey.

6. Yin and Handpan a musical movement experience with Craig Fisher and Abria Joseph -  Mom

An immersion of Sound Ceremonial Handpan & Healing Yin Flow Join us for a sanctuary for deep meditation and mindfulness. Through soothing frequencies of nature-inspired handpan music harmonizing with Yin Yoga's gentle postures where heart energy can flow. Release tension with love and compassion, fostering a profound connection in the nature of body, mind, and spirit.

00 Every sunday Rachel Jungle Dance - Momence.jpg

𝐽𝑢𝑛𝑔𝑙𝑒 𝐷𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 is a primal movement to nurture your nature. Facilitator, Rachel Wainwright, creates a safe space to guide you in connecting deeper to your intuition and listening to your body; inspiring you to embody your most natural way of being. Rachel encourages you to release the weight of worry about others' opinions and unshackle yourself from the chains of self-judgment; inspiring you to lighten up to get wild freely expressing yourself. Moving with intention from limitation to liberation; shedding the layers of falseness to reveal your realness. Jungle Dance will help you become more comfortable in your body and more confident in embracing your most natural self. It's truly a healing journey and empowering experience! The Jungle Dance journey is 60-min, followed by a 30-mins community connection facilitated by Rachel. This provides an opportunity to meet like-hearted individuals. Join us to deepen your connection to your true nature and the hearts of others.

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7. Movie Night -  Momence.jpg

Based on the true story of Christopher McCandless, "Into The Wild" is an exhilarating and poignant adventure that delves deep into the human spirit's quest for meaning and freedom. Aftter graduating from Emory University, McCandless abandons his possessions, gives his entire savings to charity, and sets out on a daring journey into the American wilderness. Renaming himself Alexander Supertramp, he seeks to escape the constraints of society and embrace the raw, untamed beauty of nature. Directed by Sean Penn and featuring a powerful soundtrack by Eddie Vedder, this film captures the essence of one man's quest for truth and adventure.

8 & 22. Howling at the Moon with Julia Cobban -  Momence.jpg

A women’s song circle to awaken the wise + wild one within. We’ll begin with a guided somatic exploration, using breath + sound to activate the throat and sacral chakras. We’ll then use the medicine of song and our connection with the cycles of the moon, our bodies + our breath to feel, heal, open our hearts and most importantly…to invite more joy into our lives! No experience or talent required.

book here:

11 & 25. Elements Dance - Momence.jpg

A Journey through the Elements Raw Spirit Dance is a journey through the elements, drawing from the wisdom of pranayama, ecstatic dance, shamanic clearing and earthing. It uses breath as a tool to enter heightened states of consciousness and expanded sense of awareness. By creating a ‘safe space’ through ritual, ceremony and movement, Raw Spirit Dance activates your inner being, your connection to self and an opening to transformation. Through embracing her femininity, wisdom and dimensionality, Rosanna is a vessel to inspire and empower others to express their own authenticity and to tap into and harness their inner power. Rosanna guides and empowers you to find your own dance and to embody your own power and sense of freedom through the elements.

book here:

12. Estatic Dance w_  Levi Banner - Momence.jpg

Join us for a soulful journey into connection and fun, uniting body and beats, stillness and movement, the sacred and the playful! We’ll get deeply in touch with our body and senses and set intentions from our wisdom within. Then, we’ll Dance like no one is watching - dropping from our minds into our bodies. Together, we move intuitively to the music, safely embracing our natural essences with freedom, joy, and honesty. Closing our journey, we’ll come together in a circle of community, togetherness, and sharing. You’ll leave smiling, with a wondrous and fulfilled heart. A magical experience awaits you. Open your heart and mind on a sublime journey into radical self- expression, acceptance, and liberating fun!

13. Shamanic Breathwork Journey w_  Levi Banner - Momence.jpg

The breath, aided by chakra-attuned music provides a route to the discovery of your inner landscape, healing, and trauma release. Levi will guide you into relaxation and the practice of a simple breathing technique. From there, simply trust that whatever emerges is what’s meant to be present. Some people laugh. Some people cry. Some people enter a state of deep and profound meditation. Each time you show up for it, breathwork takes you wherever you need to go. A process that ultimately moves you away from the agendas of your ego and towards the sacred purpose of your soul. In this workshop you’ll be initiated into a sacred space and engage in ceremonial practices to create unity between your inner and outer world. This will be a safe and juicy container for you to really explore the depths of this magical modality.

23. Harmonia Music Medicine with Kristy Ka & Immanuel - Momence.jpg

Join us for an evening of: ~ Heart opening, expanding, unifying music medicine and community sacred space. ~ Opening our voices, connecting with the Earth and Creation through grounding and elevating indigenous and shamanic songs and dances. ~ Harmonising as one with medicine music from around the world as well as original compositions, in this ceremonial music celebration.

19. Ecstatic Dance with Mari Nova -  Momence.jpg

Ecstatic dance is a free-form dance movement inspired and led by carefully crafted music with the intention of creating a healing journey. The music follows a wave form, starting slow, moving to a peak, and descending into stillness. No dance experience or partner is necessary or needed. On one hand it’s a perfect outlet for those who think they “can’t dance” because they were taught that to “know” how to dance is to move in a certain way. On the other hand it is a luscious playground for experienced movers and dancers craving for a free space to express amongst community.

20. Martijn Alchemy & Bodywork Workshop.jpg

- Learn how to release trapped emotions from the physical, emotional, mental and energetic bodies, with holistic deep tissue touch. Also called Bodywork. - Learn to use a detailed trigger point bodymap, releasing specific emotions from the physical, emotions, mental and energetic bodies. - Learn Alchemy or energy healing on yourself and others using the ascended masters, pleiadian, sirian archangels & quantum field to cleanse and clear your body, aura and energy centers. - Learn the difference between living in the mind from the heart and truly living with awareness, consciousness and spirit in the sacred space within the heart, to living in Unity, non-duality, as the heart only knows the Oneness of Life. - I have been doing this offering for 4 years, but just like the universal rule change is the only constant, the offering also keeps changing as we do. - I am only offering this at Pyramids of Chi in Ubud. Will only offer this at Alchemy Uluwatu. Feel lighter and brighter as you release blocks, tension, fears from the physical, emotional, mental and energetic bodies, aura and energy centers. Bringing this learning how to keep maintaining it on yourself and others.

21. Martijn Awakening the Heart Ceremony.jpg

- Learn how to rewire the human logical system from living in the mind, from the heart. To living with your consciousness, awareness and spirit in the sacred space of the Heart. - Learn to do energy healing or Alchemy on yourself and others using the ascended masters, pleiadian, sirian archangels & quantum field to cleanse and clear your body, aura and energy centers. - Learn the difference between living in the mind from the heart and truly living with awareness, consciousness and spirit in the sacred space within the heart, to living in Unity, non-duality, as the heart only knows the Oneness of Life. - Learn how to activate your Human Light Body or Mer-Ka-Ba which is your ascension vehicle to higher consciousness, organically from within the Heart. - You receive all the presentation, explanation and audio recorded meditations so you can keep remembering your journey into your sacred heart. - I have been doing this offering for 5 years, but just like the universal rule “change is the only constant”, the offering also keeps evolving as we do. - I am only offering this at Pyramids of Chi in Ubud. Will only offer this at Alchemy Uluwatu. Feel lighter and brighter as you release blocks, tension, fears from the physical, emotional, mental and energetic bodies, aura and energy centers. Once you have experience living with awareness, consciousness and spirit in the sacred space of the Heart you know the non-duality, unity and Oneness of Life.

21. Full Moon Cacao Ceremony -  Momence.jpg

Join us for an evening of chanting together, Kirtan, and drinking Cacao (Also known as the food of the Gods). Cacao is an ancient plant medicine that bridges the gap between Heart and Spirit. This ceremony gives anyone curious and intentional the chance to connect with the Spirit of Cacao as a tool to safely open their heart to be healed, to be inspired, and to be transformed. We will plant the seeds of self-love deep within and let our hearts sing with intention and mantras to nourish our own compassion and dedication towards a more joyful and vibrant energy. Wether you are looking to move through blockages, release negative energy, or simply experience ecstatic joy and transcendent bliss, this ceremony is for you! Facilitated with love and intention by Audrey and Chris, this Ceremony will invoke the spirit of Cacao, igniting your heart to Fall in Love with LIFE!

26. Echo Ecstatic Dance.jpg

Join Peter Viviani, founder of Bali’s alcohol-free events and micro festivals for a high-vibe Ecstatic Dance at AYMC Uluwatu! This is a safe haven to connect, express and surrender to music in community.

27. Awaken Your Inner Guru with Julia Cobban  -  Momence.jpg

Join Julia for an immersive workshop that provides a sacred space to explore emotions as gateways to profound personal growth. Using curious self-inquiry and somatic emotional processing we will begin to gain clarity on what is TRUTH: the voice of your inner guru, and what is the voice of fear or self doubt. Through this process, you will begin to break down walls, alchemize your emotions, shift unhelpful patterns and beliefs, access deep self-compassion and transform your inner critic into your greatest ally. You'll emerge from this experience with practical tools to integrate into your daily life, methods to amplify your intuitive voice and somatic tools for nervous system regulation and purifying stored emotional toxins. This workshop is for you if you’re ready to strengthen your intuition, gain clarity in your life choices, implement healthy boundaries, and cultivate unwavering self-trust, so you can show up in your life as your most confident, authentic, resilient and radiant Self.

27. Handstand Workshop mix with Vinyasa Krama style -  Momence.jpg

Integrating Handstands with Vinyasa Karma Yoga Join us for a transformative workshop that goes beyond just teaching you a handstand. In this unique class, you’ll learn to seamlessly incorporate handstands into your regular yoga practice using the ancient technique of Vinyasa Karma Yoga.

28 _ Sunday Night Kirtan with Ananda Bhakti - Moemence.jpg

Kirtan is an act of praising and glorifying the Divine through chanting mantra together. It is a form of Bhakti Yoga, which is a process of uniting the Divine through love and devotion. There’s power in chanting mantra; it can help to develop one’s mental powers and strength, ease stress and take one to a higher level of consciousness. Chanting also improves one’s memory and power of concentration. You don’t have to be able to sing to join kirtan. Come as you are and allow yourself to express your voice without worries of judgment.

28. The Ultimate Wellness Day Retreat - Momence.jpg

Join us for a transformative wellness retreat on Sunday, 28th July, from 9am to 4pm. Experience a full day of rejuvenation, relaxation, and self-discovery, designed to nourish your mind, body, and spirit.

29. Heart Expansion Sound Experience with Blue Lotus Tea Blend-  Momence.jpg

Through the power of breath, sound, attention & intention you are invited to feel & expand the capacity of your heart. Drop in with Blue Lotus Elixir meditation & tuning fork heart activation. Connect & clear utilising somatic practices, visualisation & a gentle but powerful japa meditation. Then simply rest in love; bathe in the vibration of the cosmic gong tuned to the frequency of the heart along with other healing tools; bowls, chimes & all things magical. The experience will involve smudging, incense, aromas & physical touch with the tuning forks so please let us know if you are sensitive to any of these aspects. Expect to leave in a relaxed connected state with a more open & expansive heart


2. Ecstatic Dance with Mari Nova -  Momence.jpg

Ecstatic dance is a free-form dance movement inspired and led by carefully crafted music with the intention of creating a healing journey. The music follows a wave form, starting slow, moving to a peak, and descending into stillness. No dance experience or partner is necessary or needed. On one hand it’s a perfect outlet for those who think they “can’t dance” because they were taught that to “know” how to dance is to move in a certain way. On the other hand it is a luscious playground for experienced movers and dancers craving for a free space to express amongst community.

4. new Moon Cacao Ceremony -  Momence.jpg

Join us for an evening of chanting together, Kirtan, and drinking Cacao (Also known as the food of the Gods). Cacao is an ancient plant medicine that bridges the gap between Heart and Spirit. This ceremony gives anyone curious and intentional the chance to connect with the Spirit of Cacao as a tool to safely open their heart to be healed, to be inspired, and to be transformed. We will plant the seeds of self-love deep within and let our hearts sing with intention and mantras to nourish our own compassion and dedication towards a more joyful and vibrant energy. Wether you are looking to move through blockages, release negative energy, or simply experience ecstatic joy and transcendent bliss, this ceremony is for you! Facilitated with love and intention by Audrey and Chris, this Ceremony will invoke the spirit of Cacao, igniting your heart to Fall in Love with LIFE! Come by yourself, bring a friend or your beloved.

7. Yin & Breathwork Journey with Katie Nesbitt -  Momence.jpg

Join us for a Yin & Breathwork Journey, focused on releasing stagnant energy, stuck emotions, old patterns, clear pain from the past, rewire your thoughts, open your heart, and feel more connected on all levels to step forward in life feeling greater freedom and lightness. This unique workshop combines gentle movements, yogic philosophy, mindful meditation, and a strong breathing practice to create true changes in life. This Yin & Breathwork Journey will begin with gentle yoga and mindful pranayama practices to stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system, creating a safe internal environment to prepare for a profound Breathwork experience. This journey will safely connect you to the deeper layers of yourself, to release what you are ready to let go of, and receive what your soul truly desires. This transformative Breathwork class will help you connect more authentically inside and find the answers that lie within. Katie guides classes with a supportive and compassionate nature to help you access the deeper layers of personal healing and growth. With over a decade of experience teaching yoga, pranayama, mindfulness, and somatic trauma recovery techniques around the world, this class will safely bring greater transformations within - all from the power of your own breath.

9. Ecstatic Dance with Jazzy O -  Momence.jpg

With a vibrant history at renowned festivals like burning man and Bali Bloom as well as venues in Bali like Yoga Barn and Udara. I have been a passionate advocate for ecstatic dance for 6 years and my mission is to “Awaken the magic within through high vibrational beats”. Ecstatic dance is a natural way to connect to your consciousness & your body that extends beyond words. Dance in an expression of what get stuck in the body that needs to be moved and released. The free flow allows you to connect your higher sense of being, coming down from the mind and into the body. Opening to your inner wisdom and letting the music guide your journey.

20 & 27. Chakra Balancing Sound Healing Journey with Erica  - Momence.jpg

The session begins with a brief period of gentle breathwork and meditation, allowing participants to center themselves, cultivate presence, and set an intention for the journey. As the sound bath begins, participants are immersed in the soothing tones of quartz crystal singing bowls, each resonating with a specific chakra, promoting relaxation and energetic balance. Following the healing sounds of the session, there is a period of silence, allowing for reflection and integration of the vibrations. The session concludes with a brief meditation, guiding participants back into their bodies and the present moment, leaving them feeling grounded, rejuvenated, and aligned.

book here:

23. Estatic Dance w_  Levi Banner - Momence.jpg

Join Levi Banner for a soulful journey into connection and fun, uniting body and beats, stillness and movement, the sacred and the playful! We’ll get deeply in touch with our body and senses and set intentions from our wisdom within. Then, we’ll Dance like no one is watching - dropping from our minds into our bodies. Together, we move intuitively to the music, safely embracing our natural essences with freedom, joy, and honesty. Closing our journey, we’ll come together in a circle of community, togetherness, and sharing. You’ll leave smiling, with a wondrous and fulfilled heart. A magical experience awaits you. Open your heart and mind on a sublime journey into radical self- expression, acceptance, and liberating fun!

25. Sunday Night Kirtan with Ananda Bhakti - Moemence.jpg

Kirtan is an act of praising and glorifying the Divine through chanting mantra together. It is a form of Bhakti Yoga, which is a process of uniting the Divine through love and devotion. There’s power in chanting mantra; it can help to develop one’s mental powers and strength, ease stress and take one to a higher level of consciousness. Chanting also improves one’s memory and power of concentration. You don’t have to be able to sing to join kirtan. Come as you are and allow yourself to express your voice without worries of judgment.

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